Physics Objective for NEET

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Physics objective for neet app.

Physics mcq ncert is a great app to enhance your knowledge regarding Physics. It contains 34 Chapters with loads of physics quiz offline and new Physics mcqs are added on daily basis.

The chapters included in this app: -

1. introduction To Physics
2. Units, Physical world & Measurements
3. Kinetic Theory Gases
4. Motion & Friction
5. Laws of motion
6. Kinematics
7. Work, Energy and Power
8. Wave motion
9. Thermodynamics
10. Pressure
11. Gravitation
12. Surface Tension & Capillarity
13. Radiation
14. Rotational motion
15. Stationary waves
16. Mechanical & Electromagnetic Waves
17. Electronics
18. Electricity
19. Satellites
20. Mass, Weight & Density
21. Oscillations
22. Light and Human Eye
23. Sound Waves
24. Atomic and Nuclear Physics Basics
25. Magnetism
26. Heat & Heat Transmission
27. Floatation
28. Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
29. General Properties of Matter
30. Viscosity
31. Matter radiation
32. Electrochemical Cell
33. Miscellaneous & Previous Years Questions
34. Exam

Our developer’s team at all times in a search to develop creative apps physics objective book for neet that sustains students in the light of great knowledge on physics objective been taken from practiced & renowned guides. Despite of apps physics mcq for neet chapterwise that we have been developed whether its utility ncert based physics mcq for neet apps or entertainment apps physics objective for neet this time. When you learn this physics mcq for neet app you should know about something especial on mcq physics. MCQs type games on physics question bank for neet chapter wise are enhancing your mind to memorize the correct options and let your mind to be efficient in picking up the true answers without wasting the limited time. This mcq app on physics mcq for neet class 11 help your various kind of exam like medical college entry exam, college and university entry exam, various job exam and interview. This app physics objective book for neet has also advance level mcq and it may help you better than others. We congratulate our designer’s team for designing a smooth & stylish interface like a book in real life. This app physics formulas for neet offline covered a large & vast quantity of knowledge proved in the light of brilliant Doctors and Biologist. Physics objective book 12th class english medium app has designed in way that won’t let you get unsatisfied while continuously studying stuffs on it hsc physics mcq shortcut.

We hope that by using this physics quiz app offline app, the students will get good results and in the meantime our troubles will be worth it. Please download and share this app with your Friends, Family and Colleagues. If you like this app then please let us know you’ve rated this physics quiz app. Your rating means like a world to us. Thank you!

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  • Category: Internet
  • Platform: Android
  • Developer: Knowledge Apps BD
  • Visits: 0
  • License: Free
  • Last Update: September 04, 2024
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